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Slate Museum Haut-Martelange

The Slate Museum offers its visitors a real throwback into the 200-year-old slate industrial past of the region. During a free visit, a guided tour or during crea(c)tif workshops, discover the slatestone from its origin and extraction to the finished product. Explore the underground world of the slate (-15m or -42m) and observe the working conditions of the slate quarrymen of yesteryear. Take a drink at the Bopebistro or enjoy a ride on the industrial train (depending on availability). Put on sturdy shoes, a jacket and come visit the Slate Museum Haut-Martelange!

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    13h00 – 18h00
  • Wednesday
    13h00 – 18h00 (01.11.-31.03.: 13h00 – 18h00)
  • Thursday
    13h00 – 18h00
  • Friday
    13h00 – 18h00
  • Saturday
    10h00 – 18h00 (01.11.-31.03.: 10h00 – 18h00)
  • Sunday
    10h00 – 18h00 (01.11.-31.03.: 10h00 – 18h00)
  • Closed
    01.11. & 25.12.-01.01.
  • Adults
  • ICOM
  • Bus
    Martelange-Leekoll, lines 590 & 622
  • Car
    Parking at 100m